By EdSource

Some public school districts with declining enrollments are using TikTok and other social media and hiring marketing consultants to help bring back students, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
At stake is the $10,000 state districts receive for each enrolled student. Declining enrollment because of the pandemic, is decimating local budgets.
“Districts are using radio ads, mailers, bus benches or online ads, while polishing their websites and logos, to help families feel good about the schools,” the newspaper reported.
“Many times, families are making decisions about which is the right school or whether that’s a public school, private school or charter school, with limited information,” said Brian Epperson, CEO of Target River, a marketing firm that is working with districts in the Bay Area, told the Chronicle.
In Lodi in San Joaquin County, school officials posted TicTok videos of a pumpkin art project and a therapy dog working with elementary school students.