As Measure C proposes for a $485 million bond to help SCCCD's dilapidated structures and job training programs, citizens are confused by the ballot language.
FRESNO,CA--As citizens of Fresno county go to the polls this week to vote on the primaries, one measure has proven to be a vague controversy in the media, with the hopes of being further clarified through its authors' at community forums and town halls.
On the ballot, the Measures C generalizes expenditures on construction projects and job training programs, where community supporters and authors of the measure have had to editorialize in local newspapers or clarify through community forums the specifics on how SCCCD intends to use the funds.
This is not to be confused with the 1986 Measure C, where Fresno County voters passed it,"a half-cent sales tax" aimed at improving the overall quality of Fresno County's transportation system, including the County and all 15 cities within the County.
At a Fresno NAACP general membership meeting at the end of April, concerned community members questioned and listened intently to former SCCCD Chancellor, Dr. Bill Stewart, current SCCCD Chancellor, Dr. Paul Parnell and SCCCD Board of Trustee Eric Payne to understand how southwest Fresno fits into the $485 million educational bond plan.
With the majority of the funds going to upgrading dilapidated buildings and constructing new ones, people expressed their key concerns at the meeting of a southwest Fresno community college campus, not budgeted for enough funding from the proposed budget --approximately $10 million is to be allotted.
Here is the video that gave clear-cut dialogue from the proponents of Measure C:
According to Ballotpedia, with the passing of Measure C, district officials estimated the total debt service cost for the loan—including principal and interest—at $964,977,600. District officials also estimated the property tax rate required to repay this bond issue at $18.50 per $100,000 in assessed property value over the life of the loan.[1] A 55 percent supermajority vote is required for the approval of Measure C.