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News Too Real show analyzes Calif recall vote precinct data and fact-checks Elder's slavery comment

Former Calif. gubernatorial candidate, Larry Elder's comment on slave-owners should also get reparations for loss of property is still trending

By ONME Newswire

In this News Too Real episode, producer host Julia Dudley Najieb reviews the latest results from the 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election, which Governor Gavin Newsom defeated with over 60% of voters saying "no" to the recall action. Newsom is the second California governor to face a recall election.

Dudley Najieb first analyzes the turnout data per county, followed by a discussion of the polling communication errors the mainstream media saturated without clarifying the misinformation.

As some social media followers took to Black Twitter to express their disappointment in the statements from candidate Larry Elder about slaveholders deserving reparations, some people were quick to believe the erroneous facts-Dudley Najieb reviews data from expert Shawn Rochester, author of The Black Tax. Rochester also discussed the date in Google Talks video (see below) where he reveals the data that says otherwise.

Finally, Dudley Najieb reviews in detail by county the "no" to the recall and "yes" to the recall votes, identifying the deficits per region that future Democratic California gubernatorial candidates may want to focus on as soon as possible; it is no secret that the San Joaquin Valley and further rural north areas in California, voters had a resounding "yes" to the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom.

In order to change the current California recall process, Dudley Najieb noted from The Hill article that California legislators can refer an amendment to the constitution on next November’s election. They can create an independent commission to consider changes, on which they would then vote. Or they can call a constitutional convention, which would open the entire document to revision.



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