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California Community Colleges Chancellor is taking on a proactive stance to address the lack of Blac

FRESNO, CA -- Last month, the California Community Colleges (CCC) hosted a college fair and town hall meeting to address the severe drop in Black student enrollment in community colleges.

The CCC Governing Board assembled a California Career Education Black/African-American Advisory Panel last year to help raise awareness among black and African-American students about career education opportunities available at California community colleges throughout the state. The 23-member Panel is comprised of statewide influencers from various fields including employment/unions, education and the faith-based community.

The Panel began its first town hall in Los Angeles last October, with the purpose of hearing first-hand, the challenges the black/African-American community faces when seeking higher education, and how the California Community Colleges can help break down barriers.

Watch above video to get more insight into the community feedback and CCC Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley's strong stance on making sure Black students are accommodated immediately.

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