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Fresno: Standriff talks about the series of citizen-led community meetings to start police chief sea

FRESNO, CA – Mayor Lee Brand today announced more details of an extensive process to gather as much input as possible from the community on what qualities, characteristics, priorities, issues and other attributes they would like to see in the next Fresno Police Chief. The current chief, Jerry Dyer, officially retires on October 16, 2019.

In order to ensure that the community has as much input into the process as possible, the City of Fresno has begun a comprehensive, citizen-led public outreach campaign. The first step is an on-line survey to facilitate community engagement as part of the Police Chief recruitment that will be available in English, Spanish, and Hmong. The survey asks a series of questions that focus on the important issues and challenges that our residents would like the new Police Chief to understand and address, as well as the qualities that are the important to look for in the next Police Chief.

Individuals who complete the survey will be able to reply with their comments in a text box following each question. Here are the links to the surveys:

Hard copies of the surveys will also be available for pick up and drop off at the front counter of the Personnel Department on the first floor of City Hall.

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