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Golden Westside Planning Committee: The city of Fresno Mayor Brand and Councilman Baines show disre

FRESNO, CA-- The Golden Westside Planning Committee held a meeting with district 3 Councilman Oliver Baines on June 11 regarding safety and hazardous issues running rampant throughout the community. A meeting was to be set up with department heads; however, three months later, there still isn't a date scheduled to address the residents concerns'.

The Golden Westside Planning Committee said a letter was sent to Mayor Lee Brand on July 16 with the same request, where a call from his staff confirmed they would look into setting up a date.

But almost two months later, no response.

"We will no longer sit quiet and be ignored," said Golden Westside Planning Committee in a statement.

A protest was held in front of Fresno City Hall with West Fresno residents.

Watch video to see community captured video of the protest above.

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