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VBTalk Radio show features community activist Aaron Foster who reflects on the recent shootings in S

FRESNO,CA --With the recent unexpected splurge of gang-related shootings hitting unexpected, non-gang related victims, such a community crisis urged VBTalk Radio hosts to have a special show just to address those recent 10 shootings that occurred in Fresno, CA in less than two weeks.

Former gang-member, now community activist Aaron Foster, who suffered his own tragedies due to gang violence with his 18 year-old daughter, Kayla Foster, who was shot last year and his 21 year-old son, Aaron Foster III, shot in 2013, spoke to viewers about what we can do as a community to make change happen, one step at a time. But the action has to begin now and continue with everyone's support.

Find out more about Foster's mission who turned grief in to a powerful tool to help other gang members seek a different path in life through "Project Truce."

Watch encore presentation below also to be featured Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018: or watch it on the free ONME app!

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