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Fresno BIH: Amy Chatman's story is more common than some may think

FRESNO, CA --According to The Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, the black infant mortality rate among African-American babies is the highest in the nation than among other races. In fact since Fresno, CA has the highest black infant mortality rate, the local branch of the Black Infant Health Program (Fresno BIH) is urging black mothers to seek help immediately with them before or during their pregnancies.

Fresno BIH's massive social media campaign to outreach to expecting mothers has included sharing the stories of mothers who entered their program and were able to utilize their many available resources.

Part 3 of Amy Chatman's Story is featuring this week, reaching out to second-time mothers, who are having children again much later in life.

Watch Amy Chatman's Story Part 3 below where she continues her transparent story of the journey of being a mother much later in her lifetime.

Find more facts and pregnancy educational tips on the Fresno BIH program here!

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