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Jones sponsors town hall for discussion on recent social media firestorm with farmers

TULARE,CA -- The past few weeks of backlash from social media firestorm between Tulare, CA mayor, Carlton Jones, and local farmers along with farmer supporters, finally hit a break in a tipping point of the explosive comments infiltrated throughout the local media and general public.

The Tulare, CA mayor Jones rented space at the Tulare Senior Center located at 201 N F Tulare, CA for the town hall meeting, using his personal funds, inviting members of the Tulare community, the agriculture community and the local media.

"I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to address any concerns, issues, Facebook comments or anything on their minds they wanted to tell me," said Jones. "At our city council meetings, residents only get 3 minutes to comment, and council members are not allowed to comment back."

Jones started off the forum by first explaining how the conversation began between friend, Kayla Wilson, whom is on the opposite side of the political spectrum as he. He said he made a mistake thinking that he was having a one-on-one conversation with friend Wilson on her personal Facebook before it got so heated. Wilson then shared a small portion of Jones' personal FB posts with her brother, Erik Wilson, who is a prominent farmer in Dos Palos, who then shared it with 81,000 followers on his public Facebook page: “My Job Depends on Ag."

"I was totally wrong in the way I was saying it," said Jones "I was total wrong in having a chest match with another dude. I don't even think we were focusing on the information, we were just taking shots at each other ... I think they were able to take a segment of that and make it sound like I was anti-agriculture."

Watch full broadcast below to hear community comments and Jones' reaction.

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