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News Too Real: CA Relief Grant is in its sixth round; businesses can apply starting April 28

Lendistry has already processed over 344,000 applications for this grant; micro businesses can apply too

In this episode of News Too Real with producer host Julia Dudley Najieb, as April is acknowledging the restoration of the earth, Najieb recaps on the pros of California's plan of zero carbon-emission goal for the electric grid 2045.

Senator Alex Padilla is featured in this episode addressing the immigration reform bill, the reparations bill, and the immediate need for gun safety since the recent mass shootings nationwide withing the last few months. Senator Padilla also said he does not agree with keeping the filibuster measure--something President Biden has affirmed that he is not looking to change such policy.

From an Ethnic Media Services and California Black Media media briefing, Dudley Najieb reviews the upcoming round 6 of the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program being managed by Black Community Development Financial Institution, Lendistry; CEO Everett K. Sands explained the process in detail, reiterating that grants are not based on a first-come-first-served basis--a complicated algorithm controls who is chosen to have these grants.

Sands also spoke about the 344,000 grants--ranging from $5,000.00 to $25,000.00-- they were able to process in 15 days, managing over $2 billion.

Mico and Small businesses can apply online starting April 28 through May 4 at Those who have been waitlisted need to apply again; such businesses will be contacted via email of any status update.

Co-partners Lamar Heystek of ASIAN, Inc. and Julian Cañete, CEO of the CA Hispanic Chambers of Commerce talked about how they are helping ethnic businesses with the paperwork that must be processed for Lendistry to potentially fund these businesses. From scanning paperwork, to walking them, step-by-step, ethnic businesses can still get assistance with the easy process, and should not feel ashamed to ask for help. Other community partners and ethnic chambers of commerce are there to help with the application process.

For application assistance and more information on application deadlines, grant requirements, eligibility criteria, instructional videos, and more, visit


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