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MLK Holiday professes realistic change in the city of Fresno

FRESNO, CA - Nine decades later since the birth of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929), cities throughout the nation recognize and continue to profess King's non-violent approach to all issues of inequity; this is ironic for such a peaceful person who died a very violent death on American soil.

Nevertheless, communities march in his name and honor in hopes of continuing toward progress of equality for all; although the current national atmosphere would make this an unrealistic promise, the city of Fresno propends that its endeavor to right the injustices is not falling on deaf ears. Upfront about the challenges within California and the city limits, peace officers, Congressman Jim Costa, and Fresno City Council Vice-President Miguel Arias spoke bluntly about the concerns they will tackle. Listen to speeches in below video.

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