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ONME News Interview Exclusive: Higher standards, trust, and honesty, not mixing well with Hill's

UPDATED 8:00a 9-5-18: As a member of the media, we felt that it was necessary for this story to come out; we were offered bribes by Hill directives this past weekend who wanted to exchange contracts when Hill gets into office in order for us not to go public with this information we had in regards to this and more evidence in our newsroom.

Our personal livelihoods were threatened through brash phone calls as they said they had information on our personal lives to destroy us. However, on behalf of the freedom of the press, it is our duty to move forward no matter the repercussions. No matter the suggested bribes offered, we did not take anything from anyone.

UPDATE: 9-8-18: By request of Grimaldi, he would prefer to be considered more of a one-night stand date versus a lover.

FRESNO, CA--ONME News continues to explore concerns and issues from constituents and Central Valley residents who have been watching candidates polarize messaging while sacrificing their image and integrity.

In an Op-Ed from last week posted to ONME News, it was found that several of his endorsements were fake and criminal history revealed lack of financial integrity.

Grindr app date, Alexander Grimaldi, volunteered to do an exclusive interview with ONME News to help people and voters understand why he is concerned with the dishonest campaigning of J. Tate Hill, who is a candidate running for Fresno's district 3 city council seat.

Find out why he is not convinced that Hill would be a voice for the gay community as a city councilman.

Watch exclusive ONME News clip below:

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