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Mayor seeks candidates for Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Board

FRESNO, CA – Mayor Lee Brand is looking for members of the community who would like to be a part of his newly-formed Citizen’s Public Safety Advisory Board.

The nine voting members of the board will be appointed by the mayor and reflect the rich diversity of the City of Fresno. Applications and information is available in two places on the City of Fresno website: the “Get Involved” icon on the main page, and also on the Mayor’s webpage

Members of the board must be at least eighteen years old, must live in and should also be registered voters in the City of Fresno. Members will serve a four-year term and attend monthly meetings. They will also participate in regular training courses and take part in periodic ride-alongs with Fresno police officers. Additional requirements are listed on the information sheet that accompanies the application.

Among the duties of the board will be to:

  • Advise the Office of Independent Review (OIR) in helping to define, assess and further develop Community Policing citywide;

  • Monitor and develop performance metrics to measure effectiveness of Community Policing;

  • Review all legally available information regarding policies, practices, and procedures of the Police Department and make recommendations to the OIR;

  • Hear reports from the OIR on community-Police Department relations, on the results of investigations and reviews of critical incidents; and

  • Prepare quarterly reports and recommendations to be voted on by the Board.

Mayor Lee Brand created the Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Board to enhance trust, accountability and transparency and promote higher standards of services in the Fresno Police Department. This will increase public confidence in the Police Department and will help make Fresno safer for our citizens and for the brave men and women of public safety who protect and serve us.

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